Ahnlab South Korea

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  2. Ahnlab South Korea Map
Ahnlab South KoreaAhnlab South Korea

The P/Earnings NTM ratio of AhnLab Inc. Is significantly lower than the median of its peer group: around 36.00. The company valuation of AhnLab Inc. According to these metrics is way below the market valuation of its peer group. The P/Earnings NTM ratio of AhnLab Inc. Is significantly lower than the average of its sector (Software): 24.61. 220, Pangyoyeok-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea. Tel +82 31 722 8000. Fax +82 31 722 8000. Google Map Email Inquiries. The P/Earnings NTM ratio of AhnLab Inc. Is significantly lower than the median of its peer group: around 36.00. The company valuation of AhnLab Inc. According to these metrics is way below the market valuation of its peer group. The P/Earnings NTM ratio of AhnLab Inc. Is significantly lower than the average of its sector (Software): 24.61. AhnLab and EST Security are moving to join the bid for the Ministry of National Defense's biannual project to construct anti-virus software for military internet servers, company officials.

With its current headquarters in Gyeonggi-Do, South Korea, AhnLab, Inc. was founded by Ahn Cheol-Soo in Seoul in 1995. Since then the company has been specializing in developing and providing various types of security software. AhnLab’s products include computer software such as antivirus, online security, network security programs, and specialized programs for online games and mobile web.

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Ahnlab South Korea Seoul

Ahnlab South Korea

Ahnlab South Korea Map

Their range of security programs includes advanced malware detection programs, firewalls, IPS, UTM, anti-cheating and other threat detection and remediation software. While the company has the majority of its locations in Japan, China and South Korea, they provide their security products to clients and customers worldwide.

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